“Snow” days

Monday the word was out, snow was on its way.  I realize for many places, that is no kind of news at all. But for us, big time.

We even had this gorgeous sunset to bid farewell to the sun as we were planning on being covered with 6 inches of snow.


As Tuesday rolled around, we found out school had been cancelled ALL DAY on account that it should start snowing around lunchtime. (you might need to live here to understand this? and even then, no)

So we played with friends and waited.  And ate Chick Fil A and waited.  And played football in the freezing, but snowless weather, and waited.  And at 4 pm there was 100% chance of snow, but alas, we waited.

We even pulled out the Wii fit which only had two kid Miis, it’s so old.


Finally around 7:00 there was a dusting of snow on the grill, but still no discernible snow falling from the sky. (I did wonder how that happened) Around 8:00 we could see it falling from the sky.  It accumulated to a perfect 1″ (again, only if you live here).  Of course there was no school today.  But there was….  


Click through to see what else we did on Snow Day part II, with snow!

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IMG_0637A pretty fine two days, for sure.

yes, we do need to buy sleds and gloves

One thought on ““Snow” days

  1. […] some coaching.  I started the day out expecting the same, waiting for Godot, type of experience waiting for the snow to come as we had last time.  It was impolite enough to come while we were on our way to lunch, covering […]

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